The Natural Birth Collective

For women who want to tap into their innate wisdom and power to give birth naturally with confidence and joy.
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Hey mama! 👋 
Congratulations, you’re pregnant!
Whether you just found out, or your due date is fast approaching, you’re probably excited (and more than a little nervous) about the upcoming birth of your baby.
In our hyper-medicalized birth culture, it’s normal to feel scared, anxious or overwhelmed by this natural life experience.
But I have a message for you: 
Birth doesn’t have to feel scary. 
Birth doesn’t have to feel like something that happens TO you.
Birth doesn’t have to be a traumatizing event for you and your baby.

Birth is a pinnacle life event for women that deserves to be respected, honored and celebrated.

But the truth is, most of us know so little about birth aside from what we’ve seen on TV… which usually involves a woman on her back in a hospital gown, helpless and screaming. 
This isn’t how birth is designed to happen.
Hi, I’m Jessica Nazarali, mother of two young boys.
I’ve been exactly where you are right now– so excited to birth my baby and become a mama, but also unsure how it would work or if my body could actually do this. 
When I was pregnant with my first son over 5 years ago, I knew I wanted to have a natural birth but I wasn’t confident that I could pull it off!
I mean, I don’t have a superhuman pain threshold and the thought of something so big coming out of my vagina freaked me out…

I had sooooo many questions:

Would I be able to handle the pain? 
What would I do if it all just became too much and I couldn’t cope?
What if my baby got stuck? Couldn’t breathe? Or something went wrong? 
These are very common concerns, and if you’re wondering similar things– you’re not alone!
But after researching natural birth, delivering both my babies with minimal interventions, and studying under two traditional birth attendants, here’s what I know to be true… 

Birth works miraculously well almost all of the time when:

  • Women are treated with respect
  • Women are allowed to follow their body’s cues without interference
  • Women have supportive people, spaces and tools to help them through the birth process
After lots of research, inner work and preparation, I overcame my fears and had two amazing natural births: a hospital waterbirth with my first baby and a homebirth with my second.
You too can have a natural birth, dear mama. Your body is made to do this!
Inside The Natural Birth Collective, I’ll walk you through every step of preparing for a natural birth… so you can feel calm, powerful and in control as you get ready to meet your new baby.

Why Choose The Natural Birth Collective?

Most birth classes are taught by doctors, midwives or doulas working from a medical model of childbirth. I’m not a birth provider and take a more holistic view of birth as a life event, rather than a medical event.
Yes, there are medical implications to childbirth, and having the right health care and support is important. But there is so much more to creating life and becoming a mother than bloodwork and ultrasounds!
Birth is NOT merely physical… it’s a mental, emotional and spiritual transformation.
You’re bringing your baby into the world and birthing the next version of you: the mother.
How you experience this life transition and how you’re treated will have lasting effects on your health, your child’s health, your relationships and your confidence as a mama.
Expecting mama-to-be, you’re not a birthing robot! You’re a whole person who deserves to be seen, held and supported on your journey into motherhood (or your next phase of motherhood). 
I see you, and I would love to be part of that support for you.
The Natural Birth Collective will teach you everything you need to birth with confidence, ease and joy.
While interventions may be needed in a minority of cases, going into your delivery day with the right mindset, supportive people around you and an accurate understanding of birth will set you up for your best chance of a natural birth… 
Which in turn means a faster recovery, less risk of you being separated from your baby after delivery, and the most easeful transition to motherhood possible.
You CAN do this, mama! The Natural Birth Collective can help.

Create the Birthing Experience You Want

The Natural Birth Collective is your roadmap to a confident, holistic and joyful birth. Through 15 video lessons, you’ll master the essential concepts of natural birth and gain practical skills, tools and resources to give birth on YOUR terms and in your power. 


Most “Baby Essentials Checklists” are huge and overwhelming (and honestly, contain tons of stuff you don’t need). This is a different kind of checklist!

Part One: Understanding Birth

Popular culture and mainstream medicine give us a wildly inaccurate (and frankly, disempowering) vision of childbirth. The truth is, birth is a natural physiological process that women have been doing for thousands of years!
A woman’s body has its own natural birth blueprint with dozens of built-in mechanisms to support safe, healthy, easeful childbirth (as long as she’s not interfered with). When you trust birth and know what to expect, you’ll be prepared to birth your way rather than feeling like a passive spectator. 
You will learn:
  • How birth works (it’s not scary or gross, promise!)
  • How to make intentional decisions about ultrasounds and tests
  • What to do when things aren’t going according to plan

Part Two: Mindset

Your mindset going into birth is possibly the most important factor determining what kind of birth you will have. It’s crucial that you believe you can do this (because, you can!), work through any limiting beliefs or fears around birth and mentally prepare for the life-changing experience ahead.
You will learn:
  • ​Mindset practices to help you trust birth
  • How to release and overcome your fears
  • How to unpack past births (if applicable) and birth culture in general

Part Three: Tools and Environment

Once we’ve laid the foundation for a successful natural birth through education and mindset work, we’ll dive deep into all the practical decisions around birth. Choosing the right care providers, support people, birthing space and tools can make ALL the difference in your outcome. When you align your birth team, environment and toolkit with your birth vision, the results are truly magical!
We also cover a hugely important topic that most birth classes leave out… your postpartum period! The first six weeks after Baby arrives earthside are a golden moment for healing, recovery, rest and deep bonding. 
Preparing for this sacred time in your and your baby’s lives can help you both to thrive for years to come! You’ll also discover how to embrace this next iteration of yourself as a confident, tuned-in woman and mother. 
You will learn:
  • How to choose your birth team (this is KEY to getting the birth you desire)
  • How to manage pain by tapping into pleasure (really!)
  • ​The BEST supportive tools to have at your birth… including some you’ve probably never heard of
  • Traditional wisdom on preparing for postpartum
  • Blessings and rituals to help you to step into motherhood with joy and grace

Plus… Your Complete Natural Birth Toolkit

Preparing for a natural birth can feel overwhelming… so let’s break everything down and simplify! To ensure you’re FULLY supported on your birthing journey, I’ve put together a huge library of bonus resources for you:


Video interview with an ex-licensed midwife.

What interventions are necessary, and how can you make the best choices for yourself and your baby?


Video interview with Dr Jennifer Tice

Discover how to nourish yourself from preconception to postpartum for optimal health for you and your babe.


Library of positive natural birth stories

…from a diverse community of women… including women who had a big baby, were told they weren’t able to deliver naturally, and more. You’re sure to discover stories that resonate with you!


Audio recordings of my personal birth stories

…recorded when both children were babies and the experiences were fresh in my mind!


Natural Birth Checklist

Stock up on all the essential tools and supplies for your dream birth so you can feel calm, relaxed and prepared on the big day.


Birth Team Worksheet

Choose your care provider and birth attendants to ensure you’re supported and respected during your natural labor and birth.


Natural Pain Management Worksheet

Discover natural, highly effective and science-backed strategies to manage the pain in labor and create your own customized pain relief plan.

Your Natural Birth Roadmap

Here’s everything you’ll get inside The Natural Birth Collective:

  • 15 VIDEO LESSONS Watch the videos at your own pace and on your schedule! We’ll break down how natural birth works, how to cultivate the right mindset for a successful drug-free labor, and the best tools and environment to support you in having your dream birth. [$297 VALUE]
  • BONUS: VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH A FORMER LICENSED MIDWIFE In this hourlong exclusive interview, ex-licensed midwife Felicity and I talk about different models of maternity care, what to do if interventions are needed during your birth, and how to make intentional choices for yourself and your baby. [$59 VALUE]
  • BONUS: PRENATAL NUTRITION VIDEO Eating right during pregnancy is incredibly important, and can even help you have the natural birth you desire! Watch this 25-minute video interview with Dr. Jennifer Tice to learn how to nourish yourself from preconception through postpartum to support optimal health for you and your babe. [$39 VALUE]
  • BONUS: NATURAL BIRTH STORIES LIBRARY Don’t know any women who’ve had a positive natural birth? Let’s change that! Access a library of natural birth stories from women of diverse backgrounds and experiences (including both of my personal birth stories!). You’re sure to find inspiration and encouragement for your own journey! [$39 VALUE]
  • BONUS: BIRTH TEAM QUESTIONNAIRE One of the best things you can do to increase your chances of an easeful holistic birth is choose a care provider who supports your vision and trusts birth. But how can you tell if a doctor, midwife or birth attendant is truly right for you? This worksheet provides 20 key questions to ask as you interview providers. Print it out and take it with you to appointments! [$29 VALUE]
  • BONUS: NATURAL BIRTH CHECKLIST Get organized and prepared for your natural birth… without over-buying or losing your mind! This simple, printable checklist makes it easy to stock up on essential birthing tools and supplies. All the good stuff, none of the fluff… from a natural birthing mom of 2 who’s been there! [$29 VALUE]
  • BONUS: PAIN MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET Discover natural, highly effective and science-backed strategies to manage the pain in labor without the potential side effects of epidurals and other drugs. Then create your own customized pain relief plan so you can go into labor feeling calm, prepared and in control. [$19 VALUE]
  • ACCESS TO OUR PRIVATE MEMBERS FORUM Ask questions, get support and connect with other naturally-minded mamas who are going through the same things you are! Our women’s Collective (hosted on Mighty Networks) provides a warm, supportive circle for mothers and mothers-to-be. [PRICELESS]

If you purchased each of these resources separately, it would cost you over $511… 

But as a member of The Natural Birth Collective, you get ALL of this for just $511.


Plus LIFETIME access to all of this information… for this pregnancy and any future pregnancies!

Join Us Risk-FREE

I’m so confident you’ll LOVE The Natural Birth Collective that I’m offering a 100% money-back guarantee so there’s zero risk to try it out.
All I ask is that you show up with an open mind, watch all the videos and do the exercises to prepare for your birth. 
If after that, you don’t feel that The Natural Birth Collective will help you have the low-intervention birth you want, just let me know within the first 7 days and I’ll refund your investment. No red tape, no questions asked. You can even keep the bonuses!

Maybe You’re Wondering…

Who is The Natural Birth Collective for?

The Natural Birth Collective is for YOU if…

  • ​You know you want to have a natural birth but have questions around pain management, what to expect or how to cultivate the right environment to give you the greatest chance of having a natural birth.
  • ​You feel unprepared, worried or nervous about the upcoming birth of your baby.
  • Your family, partner or friends have concerns about your birth and those fears are starting to rub off on you.
  • You don’t feel like your care providers are being very caring and you just want to connect with other like-minded women who GET IT.
  • ​You want to set yourself up for the best natural labor, birth and postpartum experience possible… and give your little one the healthiest start in life!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you promise I will have a natural birth?

No one can guarantee a natural birth, as a small percentage of women do require additional help to deliver safely. 
However, studies show that when you are educated about birth and what to expect, and you choose attendants who trust birth, you are much more likely to have a natural birth. That is what you will learn in this program. 

Can I take this course with my husband or partner?

Definitely! If your partner wants to join you, this course will help you both get comfortable with how natural birth works and what to expect. Your partner will also learn a variety of different ways to support you during labor.

Should I join the Collective in my first, second or third trimester?

No matter where you are in your pregnancy, it’s not too early or too late to join us! You’ll gain powerful insights and strategies that will support you in birthing naturally, whether you’re 12 weeks pregnant or about to deliver.


If you just found out you’re pregnant, I’d recommend going through the course twice: now and during your third trimester. This way, you’ll be able to demystify birth and choose the best attendant and birthing space from the start. Plus, you’ll get a refresher on labor techniques and tools to make sure you’re prepared for the big day!

This is my first baby. Is this course right for me?

Yes! You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of how birth works and be fully supported as you transition into motherhood. This first birth sets the stage for all future births, so it’s especially important to prepare properly!

This is my second (third, fourth, fifth…) baby. Is this course right for me?

Yes! The Natural Birth Collective will help you to process your previous birth(s) and set yourself up for the experience you want with your new baby. Every birth is a peak life event for mothers and deserves careful preparation!

Do you offer a guarantee?

I want to make sure you’re satisfied with your experience, so I do offer a full money-back guarantee. If you don’t love The Natural Birth Collective, simply contact me within 7 days of joining for a hassle-free refund! Just please give the course an honest try by watching all the lessons before you decide it’s not for you.

Do you teach strategies to handle the pain?

Yes, this is a big part of the program. When women contemplate giving birth naturally, their biggest concern is often dealing with the pain.


The good news is that preparing in advance can help you feel more confident and empowered, and increase your odds of success!


We’ll cover a wide range of proven, effective pain management techniques, both physical and mental, so you’ll have plenty of options to choose from during your natural birth.

I plan to give birth at home. Is this course right for me?

Absolutely, these tools and strategies simply work no matter where you give birth!


I plan to give birth at a hospital or birth center. Is this course right for me?


Absolutely, these tools and strategies simply work no matter where you give birth!