The Instinctive Mama Collective

Supporting you and your baby to thrive and flourish from birth through 12 months with intentional choices.

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When you’re pregnant, taking care of yourself and getting the natural birth you desire may be foremost in your mind (and understandably so!).

But this is also a golden moment to set yourself up for a beautiful transition to motherhood (or your next phase of motherhood) and give your little one the best start in life.


During pregnancy, you have the time and bandwidth to make intentional decisions about your parenting philosophy….


How you want to nurture and nourish your baby…

And the support system you need to mother with confidence, intuition and joy.


You’ll master all of this and more inside The Instinctive Mama Collective, a no-holds-barred class and community to guide you through your baby’s first year of life, taught by a real mum who GETS IT!

While you’ll gain tons of valuable insights and information about caring for your baby, we’ll also give equal attention to the other half of the mother-baby duo: YOU!

Your well-being is just as important as your baby’s (and your baby needs you to be healthy and happy too).

That’s why we cover mama-centered topics like going back to work, finding your flow again, discovering your new identity, asking for help, and embracing the next level of yourself as a woman and mother.

Plus the nitty-gritty of what to expect postpartum, body care, mental health and MORE!

(Just imagine if your big sister or cousin answered all your most burning questions… including those questions you were too shy to ask!)

Inside The Instinctive Mama Collective, you’ll receive instant access to 15 video lessons covering key topics like:

  • Postpartum healing and recovery
  • ​Your body– changes to expect and how to care for yourself
  • The importance of rest
  • ​Breastfeeding
  • Tongue ties
  • ​Baby sleep
  • Attachment parenting
  • ​Elimination communication and diapering
  • ​Baby milestones
  • ​Returning to work
  • Asking for support
  • ​Setting boundaries
  • ​Embracing the next iteration of yourself as a woman and mama

Plus, you’ll unlock five life-changing bonuses:


Mothering Using Your Human Design with My Design Family

Did you know that mamas have a built-in “blueprint” for nurturing and raising our babies? When we mess with our natural mothering design, both mum and baby can get stressed out, anxious or sick.


But when we lean into this blueprint and mother according to our natural instincts, everything just “flows” and gets SO much easier. Learn how to access this powerful blueprint and actually follow it in your busy life!


Nutrition Guide for the First Year with Dr Jennifer Tice

Discover how to nourish yourself and your baby through the first 12 months to support your healing postpartum and your baby’s growth & development. We’ll cover nutrition for breastfeeding mamas, when and how to start solids for baby, and so much more.


Postpartum Prep Checklist

The postpartum period (the first 6 weeks after giving birth) doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it deserves! By planning and preparing for your postpartum time in advance, you can fully relax and sink into this magical moment in your life.
This simple, practical checklist will help you organize the essential supplies, self-care tools and resources you need for an easeful postpartum with your new baby. 


Rebirth Mini Course - Meet The Next Version of You with Jessica Nazarali and Carly Taber

Learn how to reconnect with yourself post birth and discover who you are as a woman and mother. Birthing a baby is a deeply transformational experience that naturally shifts your desires, values and priorities. It’s normal to give birth and then wonder… What’s next? Who am I now?
This season of new motherhood is a golden opportunity to reset and re-align your life. In this video course, you’ll begin to discover new dreams and start exploring new interests, projects or even businesses. Pregnancy and birth is incredibly creative, and you will learn how to harness this energy as you embark on your next endeavor.


Breast Milk Expressing Workshop with Breastfeeding Counselor Megan Tinius

Many intentional moms would never dream of giving their babies formula, only to find themselves in a situation where they need to supplement due to tongue ties or breastfeeding troubles. The good news is that if you’re comfortable with expressing your breast milk, you can supplement your baby with your own milk in a bottle while you both get the hang of breastfeeding.


This is a valuable skill to have in your back pocket and can boost your confidence as an exclusively breastfeeding mama! In this workshop, you’ll discover effective techniques for easy, stress-free breast milk expression from a qualified breastfeeding consultant.

The Instinctive Mama Collective!

Give yourself and your baby the healthiest possible start together.